Dinner with Dick
Wow, now I do not have a political sway one way or another. This is probably bad, but I have to say I really didn't start learning about politics until later in life, and to be honest, it still confuses me. "Vote for the best person," I always say, but sometimes that is very hard to figure out. This however, really makes me laugh.
Today I get in the mail a letter directly from Dick Cheney himself. (Well, not really but...) The letter from him says;
"Dear Steve, Will you join President Bush, Laura and the entire Republican Congressional leadership as they gather on the evening of June 14th here in Washington, DC? (<-- This is funny, here for me is Boston, MA.) And will you allow all of us to recognize and honor the important role you have played over the years?" Bla, bla, bla...
I have never helped in a repulican campaign of any type nor have I voted repbulican, that I can remember. (Not that I wouldn't if the right person came along.) I have to wonder, for business, I think Bush is okay. As for the war well, that is another story. I only find him smart in that he surrounds himself with smart people, he himself seems pretty brain dead. I wonder why I would vote or even go to a dinner (at the cost of $150 to me) for someone who wants to thank me (then why am I paying, especially since he can't run again). I also wonder why, that if they applied any intelligence to half these mailers, they would actually send this, and pay the postage and for the money to print them, when they would know I wouldn't go. Seems like a big wate to me. It wont bode well for them the next time there is an election that is for sure.
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