Friday, November 30, 2007

Las Vegas - Disney World for Adults

City of Sin?

I have to say, when I was a kid I went to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I remember 3 things; it was my first trip out of state on a vacation, EPCOT (which was fantastic), and the fact that the customer service there was beyond impeccable. They went out of their way to ensure that every man, woman and child there had a fantastic time.

It looks like Vegas has stolen a play out of Disney's play book. And I don't mean you get what you pay for here. The hostess were super nice and very attentive and appreciative of tips, we saw a show and our tickets were upgraded as we walked through the door (granted the show was not sold out, but they didn't have to do that), we had the absolute best service from a dude named Joe at the Brazilian restaurant and it was apparent that all of the talent performing, cared about their service to the customer and was into their show. I have to say, I haven't been this impressed about customer service since Disney World.

And as for the City of Sin - you really need to look for the Sin. You and a your family can have a fantastic time in Vegas without having to worry about the "Sin" factor.

I would highly recommend a get away to Vegas.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Which Nobel Prize is the Best?

The Nobel Prize Goes To...

Here is one for you... My wife and I are in the car the other day and I hear on the radio that the Nobel Prize for Literature for 2007 went to Doris Lessing. It started me thinking... Why do they give a Nobel prize for literature? Also, I was curious what they give the Nobel Prize for, I mean what are the categories. So I looked them up on They give out prizes for:
  • Medicine
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Economics
  • Peace
  • Literature
I started thinking, well, why would there be so many and why only in certain categories and is one more important than the other? I mean how do you compare the Nobel prize for Literature to the Nobel prize for Medicine? One is trying to save lives and one is... Well that is what made me start to think. Literature enriches peoples lives right? And literature is for all the world to see and share right? And while the value of literature may be small to some while the value of medicine may be greater to more, literature is no less important.

I have to say it was an interesting conversation, in my head, and it opened me up to researching the Nobel Prize and will make me more aware. I will also do some more research on the Nobel prize and stay up on how I may even be able to participate and most of all, I will stop my judging of things based on what is important to me and realize the greater value.